Save 10% on this Building Blocks Book 3 Set compared to the individual price of the books. The set includes the Student Text, Teacher's Manual, and Lab notebook. Written for ages 8-10 with 22 chapters.
Study mixtures, un-mixing, the structure of polymers, and biological polymers, including DNA. Examine plant structure and life cycle, plant cells, and photosynthesis; the energy of atoms and molecules, electrons and electricity, and magnetic force; the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, Earth's magnetic field, and Earth as a balanced system; different types of galaxies, the Milky Way, stars, comets, asteroids, and other objects in space.
What is Exploring the Building Blocks of Science?
Exploring the Building Blocks of Science is the latest offering from Rebecca Keller, PhD. This curriculum joins the other bestseller from Gravitas Publications & Real Science-4-Kids: Focus On. Building Blocks is a yearlong graded program.
What can I expect from Building Blocks of Science Student Textbooks?
- 5 core science subjects: chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and astronomy
- 22 chapters in each Student Textbook
- Information increases in depth and complexity as level increases
Is Building Blocks of Science Christian or Secular?
Like all RS4K, these books introduce real science to kids. That means currently-accepted scientific facts & theories, so books align with secular homeschool philosophies.
But the books also introduce the basic philosophy of science. As such, RS4K encourages students to explore opposing viewpoints. Christian homeschools interpret what facts & theories mean to individuals, groups, and the community.
NOTE: This product may be ineligible for some promotions.
Important Note: To receive the printable lesson plans, send the name of your Building Blocks book to [email protected], and be sure to mention that you purchased this curriculum from Home Science Tools.