Homeschool Curriculum & Kits
Novare Science
12 Results

Lab Kits for Novare Science Curriculum

Whether at home or school, everything you need for hands-on Novare Science experiments.

Cut out prep time for the experiments in your Novare Science curriculum! These complete lab kits are designed for a student to have all the necessities for the hands-on experiments in their Novare Science books, leaving you free to do the exciting part with them: hands-on learning together.

Novare Science is a curriculum for homeschools and Christian schools using a classical approach to convey wonder and lead to mastery of a subject through review of concepts throughout the year, so learning and memorizing comes naturally. Perhaps less broad of scope than Apologia, but more in-depth with up-to-date terminology and ideal for kids interested in pursuing science. (Novare Science curriculum is available separately online.)