Get the lab materials you need for doing the experiments in Berean Builders Science in the Industrial Age curriculum. This lab kit contains over 40 harder-to-find items for your convenience. Get chemicals, magnets, measuring cups, and other science tools for your hands-on labs!
To provide you with a lab kit that is both helpful and affordable, some common household items have been excluded, but are required to complete all of the labs in the corresponding curriculum. You will still need: red cabbage, vinegar, isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol, aluminum foil, thumb tacks, meat tenderizer, non-LED flashlight, Epsom salt, corn syrup, beef bouillon, and other household items like plates, spoons, etc.
With this Berean Builders lab kit, kids will explore concepts such as medicine, human physiology, cell biology, evolution, chemistry, geology, electricity, magnetism, heat, light waves, sound waves, radioactivity, and conservation laws.
Science in the Industrial Age Kit contents:
This kit includes the following items:
- 1 Funnel
- 1 Large marshmallows, bag
- 1 Measuring cups set
- 1 Measuring spoons set
- 1 Citrus Dish Degreaser, 15mL
- 4 Food coloring, assorted
- 1 Hydrogen Peroxide 6%, 100 mL
- 1 Sodium Carbonate, 30 g
- 1 Turmeric, 800 mg
- 1 Battery, size 9-volt
- 2 Battery, size D
- 1 Bare 24AWG copper wire, 25ft
- 4 Balloon
- 1 Modeling clay stick
- 1 Compass
- 1 Nitrile gloves pair, size medium
- 1 Grape juice can
- 10 Marbles
- 1 Matches, strike on box
- 1 Paper clips, box
- 1 Blunt-tip scissors, size kid
- 1 Steel wool
- 1 Toothpicks, box
- 3 Yeast packet
- 1 String, 25ft
- 2 Bar magnet
- 2 Neodymium disc magnets
- 1 Tea light candle
- 1 Flashlight
- 5 Zip poly bag, 5in x 7in
- 1 Zip poly bag, 9in x 12in
- 1 Table tennis ball
- 1 Copper pipe, 1/2in x 6in
- 8 Plastic cup
- 2 Nail
- 6 Wooden skewer
- 2 Black construction paper sheet
- 1 Green construction paper sheet
- 1 Red construction paper sheet
- 9 Drawing paper sheet
- 1 Aluminum pie plate
- 1 Rubber band, size 32
- 3 Straws
- 6 Foam cup
- 4 Sterile swab
- 1 Ammonium Hydroxide, 30 mL
While our kits conveniently contain most of the items you'll need to complete the labs, they do not include some common household items or more expensive items.