Stress-Free Hands-On Learning

Wouldn’t it be great to have everything you need for hands-on science labs when you need it? With a science curriculum lab kit from HST, you can!  

We’ve already done the work of figuring out which items you’ll need for each experiment in your science curriculum and conveniently packed them in one box, so everything you need is ready when you are.  

Find the kit that matches your curriculum publisher and grade level and get ready focus on learning, not shopping for supplies. 

Shop Lab Kits By Publisher

Available for popular science curriculum, like BJU Press, Apologia, Berean Builders, Real Science-4-Kids, and more

Shop Curriculum Lab Kits

Get everything you need to complete the labs in your science curriculum in one box.

Science Unlocked Full-Year Curriculum with Zero Prep Time
Everything you need for a whole school year of science is included. 

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code:  100FREESHIP

This offer is ongoing. Some exclusions apply.

Summer Must-Haves
Best-Selling Summer Science Options